Wheeler Bryan, Jr.

The Debatable Lands—the History of Georgia 1733–1750

The Georgia coast, consisting of 100 miles, was once known as the “Debatable Lands.” In the early 1700’s the English, French and Spanish all tried to claim this territory. This presentation aims to tell the story of how James Edward Oglethorpe founded Georgia in 1733 and how the founding laid the groundwork to protect the colonies from Spanish coming out of St. Augustine. The conflicts and hostilities between the English and Spanish had been going on for nearly two centuries, but only 6 years after Georgia’s founding they came to a head with the beginning of the War of Jenkins Ear. This presentation will discuss Georgia’s founding as a Trustee Colony, the activities around the coast during the War, including the battles on St Simons Island and St. Augustine and wrapping up with the treaty that ultimately led to the Georgia/Florida line.

Wheeler Bryan Jr.

Wheeler Bryan, Jr is the Historian for the Sea Island Company. Prior to joining Sea Island, Bryan was the Vice President of Sales and Managing Director for Chappell Bryan. A seventh generation Georgia native, Bryan received his undergraduate degree from Limestone College and completed a Masters Certificate in Hospitality Management from Cornell University School of Hospitality Management. Bryan previously served on the Boards of the Lower Altamaha Historical Society, the National Park Travelers Club and as a trustee at Limestone College.

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2024-09-06T17:06:56-04:00August 27, 2024|History Camp Boston 2024|

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