If you have a passion for history, History Camp is for you. It’s a unique opportunity to spend a day with others from all walks of life who have a passion for history, from authors, teachers, genealogists, and students, to park rangers, museum volunteers, librarians, and individuals from other professions and backgrounds.

Sine 2015, History Camp Iowa has been held annually in Des Moines. Our most recent event welcomed more than 100 passionate history enthusiasts who came together to share their stories in two dozen sessions and joined us on outings to historic sites in and around Des Moines.

If you have a suggestion for an outing or would like to apply to present at the next History Camp Iowa, sign-up for our email list below. You will receive information as soon as the next History Camp Iowa call for presenters is announced.

History Camp Iowa is a independent event, organized entirely by volunteers under the History Camp un-conference model.

New to History Camp? Explore Presentations from Annual History Camps

Explore session descriptions, recordings, slideshows, photo galleries, and handouts from past History Camps. [Please note that we are migrating our vast library onto a single platform and not all materials are yet available—but we’re working on it! View all our recorded presentations.]

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History Camp Iowa—Presentations

1300s-1400s Medieval / Dark Ages ()
1500s ()
1600s ()
1700s ()
1800s ()
1900s ()
19th Amendment ()
2000s ()
A. J. Baime ()
Abby Battis ()
Abby Chandler PhD ()
Abigail Adams ()
Abraham Lincoln ()
Adolf Hitler ()
Adriene Katz ()
Afghanistan ()
African Americans ()
Africatown (Alabama) ()
Alan Hoffman ()
Albert Louis Zambone ()
Albert Sidney Johnston ()
Alexander R. Cain JD ()
Alexander Rose ()
Alice Paul ()
Alli Rico ()
Alyssa G. A. Conary ()
American Colonial Era (1607–1776) ()
American Revolutionary War (1776–1783) ()
Amity Shlaes ()
Amy E. Kellett ()
Anderson Cooper ()
Andrew Cotten ()
Andrew Noone ()
Andrew Roberts ()
Andy Volpe ()
Anna Rosenberg ()
Anthony Richards ()
Antiquity ()
Apollo 11 ()
Archaeology ()
Architecture ()
Army Forage ()
Arthur Herman ()
Arts ()
Asia ()
Astor Family ()
Aviation ()
Baillie Bryan ()
Bartolomeo Vanzetti ()
Battles ()
Belgium ()
Ben Raines ()
Benjamin Carter Hett ()
Benjamin E. Myers ()
Benjamin Franklin ()
Benjamin Franklin Butler ()
Bernard Rosenthal Trubowitz ()
Bil Lewis ()
Bob Brier ()
Boston ()
Boston Tea Party ()
Brian Sheehy ()
Brian W. Lavery ()
Brooke Barbier ()
Business ()
Canada ()
Captain Kidd ()
Caribbean ()
Carl Hanson ()
Carlos Almodovar ()
Carlos Ortega ()
Caroline Janney ()
Carolyn Gilman ()
Carrie Lund ()
Catherine Musemeche ()
Ceilidh Burdick ()
Charles Fishman ()
Charles Glass ()
Chef Justin Cherry ()
Chef Sarah Lohman ()
Christian McBurney ()
Christopher C. Gorham ()
Christopher Davis ()
Christopher Klein ()
Civil Rights Movement ()
Claire Bellerjeau ()
Clay Risen ()
Cold War (1947–1991) ()
Colleen Janz ()
Confederate Army ()
Continental Army ()
Costume ()
Courtney O’Connor ()
Craig Chapman ()
Craig Nelson ()
Crime ()
Cuba ()
Currency ()
Damien Lewis ()
Dan Gifford ()
Daniel A. Gagnon ()
Daniel Bullen ()
Daniel Gifford ()
Daud Alzayer ()
David A. Bossert ()
David Dalrymple ()
David Maraniss ()
David Perry ()
David W. Blight PhD ()
Debbie Sheme ()
Declaration of Independence ()
Democracy ()
Desmond Bertrand-Pitts ()
Don Cygan ()
Don N. Hagist ()
Donald L. Miller ()
Donald Miller ()
Donna Curtin PhD ()
Dorothea Jensen ()
Dorothy Wickenden ()
Dr. Allen Guelzo ()
Dr. David S. Weed ()
Dr. Francis J. Bremer ()
Dr. Michael Shire ()
Dr. Sam Forman ()
Dwight Eisenhower ()
Earl Taylor ()
Economics ()
Edith Wilson ()
Education ()
Edward Malouf ()
Edward O'Keefe ()
Edward Shawcross ()
Edward T. O’Donnell PhD ()
Egypt ()
Ehris Urban ()
Elizabeth Cobbs PhD ()
Elizabeth D. Leonard ()
Elizabeth Varon ()
Elliott Fabrizio Chief Petty Officer (SW/AW) ()
Emerson W. Baker PhD ()
Engineering + Technology ()
Environment ()
Eric Jay Dolin ()
Eric Peterson ()
Eric Williams ()
Erik Bauer ()
Espionage + Spy-Craft ()
Europe ()
Explorers + Expeditions ()
Fergus M. Bordewich ()
Food History + Cuisine ()
France ()
Frances M. Clarke ()
Frances Perkins ()
Francis Gary Powers Jr. ()
Fred Anderson ()
Frederick Douglass ()
Frederick Leiner ()
Freemasons ()
French and Indian War (1754-1763) ()
French Revolution (1789–1799) ()
Friederike Baer ()
Gabriel Papa ()
Gail Baden ()
Games + Trivia ()
Garrett Dash Nelson PhD ()
Garrett M. Graff ()
Gary Gregory ()
Gary Hoover ()
Gavin Kleespies ()
George Armistead ()
George Koukeas ()
George Washington ()
Gerald Holland ()
Germany ()
Germany / Nazi ()
Germany / Weimar Republic ()
Gilded Age ()
Giovanni Alabiso ()
Glenn Noreen ()
Government ()
Grace Elizabeth Hale ()
Gravestones + Graveyards ()
Greg Steinmetz ()
Harold Knudsen LTC (Ret.) ()
Heather Dune Macadam ()
Henry Wilkinson ()
Hessian Soldiers ()
Historic Sites + Homes ()
Historic Sites—Marketing + Promotion ()
Holocaust ()
Honorable Dennis J. Curran ()
Hostage Crisis ()
Howard Dorre ()
Hunter Chaney ()
Ilyon Woo ()
Immigration ()
Industry ()
Inventors ()
Ireland ()
Italy ()
J. L. Bell ()
J. Lincoln Hallowell ()
Jack Kelly ()
Jake Sconyers ()
James B. Conroy JD ()
James Carl Nelson ()
James Forten ()
James Longstreet ()
James Madison ()
James Monroe ()
James Otis Jr. ()
Jamie Holmes ()
Jan Drake ()
Jane Addams ()
Jane Hampton Cook ()
Jane Sciacca ()
Janet Parnes ()
Japan ()
Jared Bruening ()
Jay Gould ()
Jeanne Abrams ()
Jeff Erzin ()
Jeff Howry ()
Jeffery J. McKenna ()
Jeffrey Orens ()
Jeffrey R. Kerr-Ritchie PhD ()
Jeffrey Rosen ()
Jen Tousey ()
Jeremy Bell ()
Jerry Enzler ()
Jess Dorre ()
Jim Bridger ()
Jim Thorpe ()
Jimmy Stewart ()
Joan DeJean ()
Joanne Paul ()
John Adams ()
John Avlon ()
John Cass ()
John F. Kennedy (JFK) ()
John Hancock ()
John L. Smith Jr. ()
John Marshall ()
John Morrison ()
John Phillips ()
John Reeves ()
Jon Grinspan PhD ()
Jonathan Daniel Wells PhD ()
Jonathan Eig ()
Jonathan White ()
Joseph C. Grew ()
Josephine Baker ()
Joshua Yohe ()
Journalism and Media ()
Joyce Lee Malcolm ()
Joyce White ()
Judith Kalaora ()
Judy Cataldo ()
Julie Chenoweth Terstriep ()
Julie Flavell ()
Julie LaFollette ()
Julie Montagu ()
Julie Satow ()
Julie Winch ()
Julien Pierre Icher ()
Karen A. Chase ()
Karen Duvalle ()
Karen Warren ()
Kat D. Williams ()
Kate Moore ()
Kate Werran ()
Katherine Howe ()
Kathleen DuVal PhD ()
Kathleen Langone ()
Katie Turner Getty ()
Kenneth R. Turner ()
Kenneth Whyte ()
Kent Masterson Brown ()
Kevin M. Levin ()
Kevin R. C. Gutzman ()
Kiersten Marcil ()
Kim Todd ()
KKK—Kl Klux Klan ()
Korean War (1950–1953) ()
Kurt Nelson ()
Kyle Jenks ()
Labor ()
Lance Geiger; The History Guy ()
Larisa Moran ()
Larry Stuart ()
Laura A. Macaluso PhD ()
Laura Rocklyn ()
Lauren Muney ()
Lee Wright ()
Legal and Courts ()
Lexington and Concord ()
Libraries Archives + Museums (LAMs) ()
Linda Hirshman ()
Linda Jeffers Coombs ()
Lindsay M. Chervinsky PhD ()
Liz Covart ()
Liz Loveland ()
London ()
Lori Lyn Price ()
Lori Rogers-Stokes PhD ()
Lorna Hainesworth ()
Louis L. Picone ()
Louisa Catherine Adams ()
Loyalists ()
Lucy Adlington ()
Lucy Jane Santos ()
LueCreasea Horne ()
Lydia Maria Child ()
Lydia Moland ()
Malcolm Gaskill ()
Maps + Cartography ()
Margo Burns ()
Marie Danielle Annette Williams ()
Marilynne K. Roach ()
Marion Gibson ()
Maritime History ()
Marjorie Hilton ()
Mark F. Anderson ()
Mark Gardner ()
Mark Szymcik ()
Marquis de La Fayette ()
Martha Washington ()
Martin Luther King Jr. ()
Mary Adams ()
Mary E. Raker ()
Mary Miley Theobald ()
Mary Sears ()
Matt Borders ()
Matt Wilding ()
Matthew Gabriele ()
Maureen Taylor ()
Maurice Isserman PhD ()
Medicine and Epidemics ()
Meighan Maguire ()
Meika Downey ()
Melinda M. Dart ()
Melissa Barker ()
Melissa Bryson ()
Mental Health ()
Mexican Republic ()
Mexico ()
Michael Burlingame ()
Michael C. Harris ()
Michael Digby ()
Michael Holzman ()
Michael Meyer ()
Michael Paradis ()
Michel Paradis ()
Michelle D. Novak ()
Mike Troy ()
Military History ()
Milo Root ()
Music ()
Myths + Legends ()
Nancy K. Bristow PhD ()
Nancy Rubin Stuart ()
Napoleon III ()
Nate Johnson ()
Native Americans/Indigenous Peoples ()
Neil Lanctot ()
Netherlands ()
Nicholas Reynolds ()
Nick Tabor ()
Nicola Sacco ()
North America ()
Oceanography ()
Olivier Zunz ()
Olympics ()
Pacific Northwest ()
Pamela Toler ()
Paris ()
Patricia Buttaro ()
Patricia Posner ()
Patrick Gabridge ()
Patrick McGuire ()
Patrick Riccards ()
Pearl Harbor (1941) ()
Penny Colman ()
Peter Feinman ()
Peter Stark ()
Philippines ()
Philosophy ()
Photography ()
Picone ()
Pirates + Privateers ()
Plymouth ()
Politics ()
Popular Culture + Entertainment ()
Post-American Revolutionary War / Founding (>1783) ()
Preservation ()
Preview ()
Prisoners of War ()
Puritans + Pilgrims ()
Quinn Stuart ()
Quock Walker ()
Race / Racism ()
Rachel Christ-Doane ()
Rebecca Boggs Roberts ()
Rebecca Jo Plant ()
Rebecca Simon PhD ()
Rebellion + Riots ()
Religion ()
Ricardo A. Herrera ()
Richard Bell ()
Richard C. Wiggin ()
Rinker Buck ()
RMS Titanic ()
Robert Booth ()
Robert Forrant ()
Robert J. Allison ()
Robert Krim ()
Robert L. O’Connell ()
Robert Matzen ()
Robert Skead ()
Roberta DeCenzo ()
Rod Gillis ()
Rosalyn D. Elder ()
Rose A. Doherty ()
Ross H. Schwalm ()
Roxanne Reddington-Wilde PhD ()
Royalty + Empire ()
Russia / USSR ()
Ryan Walters ()
Salem Witch Trials / Witchcraft ()
Salina B. Baker ()
Samantha Garrity MEd ()
Samuel Adams ()
Sandy Spector ()
Sarah Morgan ()
Scandals ()
Scandinavia ()
Science ()
Scotland ()
Scott Kirsner ()
Scott Nadler ()
Sean Osborne ()
Serena Zabin PhD ()
Sharon McMahon ()
Shawn P. Quigley ()
Shirley Ann Higuchi JD ()
Slavery and Abolitionists ()
Social History ()
Space ()
Spain ()
Spanish–American War (1898) ()
Sports ()
Stacy Schiff ()
Stephanie Call ()
Stephanie Cohen ()
Stephanie Kite ()
Stephen Clarke ()
Stephen F. Knott ()
Stephen Fried ()
Stephen Kling ()
Stephen L. Kling Jr. ()
Stephen McGinty ()
Stephen R. Bown ()
Steve Butz ()
Steve Kemper ()
Stuart Christie ()
Supreme Court ()
Susan Jaques ()
Susan Nagel PhD ()
T. Cole Jones ()
Ta Mara Conde ()
Tamim Ansar ()
Tara Mancini ()
Taverns + Pubs ()
Technology ()
Ted Widmer PhD ()
Terri Diane Halperin ()
Terry Mort ()
Thaddeus Kosciuszko ()
The White House ()
Theater ()
Theodore Roosevelt ()
Thomas Brothers ()
Thomas Carey Jr. ()
Thomas E. Ricks ()
Thomas G. Andrews PhD ()
Thomas Jefferson ()
Thomas Ketchell ()
Thomas Richardson ()
Tiffany Yecke Brooks PhD ()
Tim Brady ()
Timothy B. Smith ()
Tina Cassidy ()
Todd DePastino PhD ()
Tom Clavin ()
Tom Hand ()
Tom Levitt ()
Tom McMillan ()
Tom Nallen ()
Transportation ()
Tricia Peone ()
Tripoli ()
Tutankhamun ()
Ulysses S. Grant ()
United Kingdom + Britain ()
United States ()
United States Army ()
US American Intelligence Agencies / CIA ()
US Civil War (1861–1865) ()
US Constitution ()
US First Ladies ()
US Founding Fathers ()
US Gold Rush (1848–1855) ()
US Great Depression (1929–1933) ()
US National Park Service ()
US Navy ()
US Presidents ()
US Reconstruction Era (1865–1877) ()
US Vietnam War (1955–1975) ()
US Western Frontier / Expansion ()
US-New England ()
US–13 Colonies ()
US–Alaska ()
US–Arizona ()
US–Arkansas ()
US–California ()
US–Colorado ()
US–Delaware ()
US–Florida ()
US–Georgia ()
US–Hawaii ()
US–Idaho ()
US–Illinois ()
US–Indiana ()
US–Iowa ()
US–Kansas ()
US–Kentucky ()
US–Louisiana ()
US–Maine ()
US–Maryland ()
US–Massachusetts ()
US–Michigan ()
US–Minnesota ()
US–Mississippi ()
US–Missouri ()
US–Montana ()
US–Nebraska ()
US–Nevada ()
US–New Hampshire ()
US–New Jersey ()
US–New Mexico ()
US–New York ()
US–North Carolina ()
US–North Dakota ()
US–Ohio ()
US–Oklahoma ()
US–Oregon ()
US–Pennsylvania ()
US–Rhode Island ()
US–South Carolina ()
US–South Dakota ()
US–Tennessee ()
US–Texas ()
US–Utah ()
US–Vermont ()
US–Virginia ()
US–Washington ()
US–Washington DC ()
US–West Virginia ()
US–Wisconsin ()
US–Wyoming ()
US— Connecticut ()
US—Alabama ()
US—Puerto Rico ()
USS Philadelphia ()
USS Salem ()
Valley Forge, Pennsylvania ()
Velya Jancz-Urban ()
Vikings ()
Voting Rights ()
Wall Street ()
Wampanoag ()
War of 1812 (1812–1815) ()
War of Jenkins' Ear ()
Warren G. Harding ()
West Indies ()
Will Holton PhD ()
Will Nipper ()
William B. Gould IV ()
William C. Davis ()
William Hogan ()
William Matthews ()
William Sonn ()
Witch Trials ()
Witchcraft ()
Women ()
Womens’ Suffrage ()
Woodrow Wilson ()
World ()
WWI (1914–1918) ()
WWII (1939–1945) ()
Zachary M. Schrag PhD ()
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Banner Image: Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa; Library of Congress (LCCN2007661883).