Michael Burlingame — The Black Man’s President: Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and the Pursuit of Racial Equality
Michael Burlingame The Black Man’s President: Abraham [Read more...]
Michael Burlingame The Black Man’s President: Abraham [Read more...]
David W. Blight, PhD Frederick Douglass: Prophet [Read more...]
Nick Tabor Africatown: America’s Last Slave Ship [Read more...]
John Avlon Lincoln and the Fight for [Read more...]
Julie Winch A Gentleman of Color: The [Read more...]
Eric Williams Hester, December 10th, 1811: [Read more...]
Lydia Moland Lydia Maria Child: A Radical [Read more...]
Christian McBurney Dark Voyage: An American Privateer’s [Read more...]
Richard Bell Stolen: Five Free Boys Kidnapped [Read more...]
Dorothy Wickenden The Agitators: Three Friends Who [Read more...]
Ben Raines The Last Slave Ship: The [Read more...]
Linda Hirshman The Color of Abolition: How [Read more...]
Claire Bellerjeau and Tiffany Yecke Brooks, PhD [Read more...]
Dr. Samuel A. Forman Ill-Fated Frontier: Peril [Read more...]
Jeffrey R. Kerr-Ritchie, PhD Rebellious Passage: The [Read more...]
Kathleen DuVal, PhD Independence Lost: Lives on [Read more...]
Jane Sciacca Slaves in the Puritan [Read more...]
Laura A. Macaluso, PhD A Portrait [Read more...]
Captain P.J. Matthews Buffalo Soldier National [Read more...]
Jonathan Daniel Wells, PhD The Kidnapping Club: [Read more...]
William B. Gould IV Diary of a [Read more...]
Robert Forrant, PhD Fugitive Slave Laws and [Read more...]
Kevin M. Levin, Gann Academy Searching For [Read more...]
Liz Loveland Researching Enslaved & [Read more...]