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History Camp Boston 2020 [see 2022]

Important Update—March 30, 2020 After initially postponing History Camp Boston, we have now come to the realization that we just can’t hold it this year and create the History Camp experience people love. As a result, we’re canceling History Camp Boston and our other History Camps this year. We are optimistic about next year and will work to put together the kind of History Camp experience in 2021 that draws folks from all walks of life to these unique events every year. Until then, check out our History Camp archive for recorded sessions with presenters from this and other History Camps across the country. Best regards— Lee and Carrie History Camp Boston 2020 Date Saturday, July 11, 2020 Location Suffolk University Law School, 120 Tremont Street, Boston, Massachusetts Doors Open 8:00 am; Refreshments served  Schedule Opening Remarks and “Around the Room”: 9:00 am–9:40 am Sessions: 9:45 am–5:30 [Read more...]

2023-03-02T21:33:08-05:00February 18, 2021|

History Camp Boston 2022

History Camp Boston 2022 Post-Camp updates August 22: Event photos posted August 29: Links to session videos (where available) included below Date Saturday, August 13, 2022 Location Suffolk University Law School, 120 Tremont Street, Boston, Massachusetts Directions, transportation, and lodging information Doors Open 8:00 am, light welcome breakfast served History Camp 9:00 am–5:30 pm Lunch 12:30 pm–1:45 pm - On your own or join us for a catered lunch (additional ticket fee) Exhibit Hall and Vendors Opens at 8:00 am Saturday Evening Boston History Trivia Night Saturday after History Camp Sunday See the Sunday Tours and Events page. Information on new tours and events is added as we receive it. Register Updated July 18—History Camp Boston 2022 is sold out. History Camp Boston 2022—Sessions Welcome to History Camp Boston 2022 → View session video Lee Wright, Creator of History Camp, Founder [Read more...]

2023-03-07T00:15:14-05:00May 5, 2022|

Liz Loveland — Researching Enslaved and Recently Free Northerners

Liz Loveland Researching Enslaved & Recently Free Northerners Learn about some of the myths around Northern slavery and many of the sources that can be used to research the lives of enslaved people in Northern colonies/states, the lives of freemen and freewomen there, and the world which they inhabited. Many of my examples are from New England but I also use some examples from other Northern areas. [Presented March 28, 2016.]

2024-01-19T15:11:53-05:00March 28, 2016|

Richard Bell — Stolen: Five Free Boys Kidnapped into Slavery and Their Astonishing Odyssey Home

Richard Bell Stolen: Five Free Boys Kidnapped into Slavery and Their Astonishing Odyssey Home A gripping and true story about five boys who were kidnapped in the North and smuggled into slavery in the Deep South—and their daring attempt to escape and bring their captors to justice. [Recorded September 01, 2022.] Featured Publication @ The Pursuit of History Bookshop >

2024-01-19T13:15:50-05:00September 1, 2022|

Matt Wilding — Free Advertising: Popular Magazines and World War II Bond Drives

Matt Wilding Free Advertising: Popular Magazines and World War II Bond Drives Even before America’s entry into World War II, the US Treasury reorganized the nation’s savings bond program in an effort to raise money for defense and to give citizens a stake in their country. While the Treasury Department, Office of War Information, and other government agencies worked together to develop marketing strategies for the bond program, private advertisers and editorial boards of magazines began promoting the bond program for free but on their own terms. This presentation will consider the ways in which war bond sales were encouraged in popular American magazines, particularly in regard toads’ messaging as they relate to concurrent government campaigns throughout the war. [Recorded on 8 March 2014.]

2023-08-31T03:03:57-04:00March 8, 2014|

James B. Conroy, JD – The Devils Will Get No Rest: FDR, Churchill, and the Plan That Won the War

James B. Conroy, JD The Devils Will Get No Rest: FDR, Churchill, and the Plan That Won the War For the first time, a full account in fascinating detail of the secret ten-day parlay in Morocco where FDR, Churchill, and their divided Anglo-American high command hammered out a winning strategy at the tipping point of World War II. In January 1943 Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and their military high commands met in secret in Morocco to plan the defeat of Germany, Italy, and Japan. A character-driven story never fully told before, The Devils Will Get No Rest recounts the Casablanca Conference and its colorful participants’ fraught debates and personal interactions as the Allies planned their pivot from a defensive to an offensive war. For ten grueling days in recently bombed, spy-ridden Casablanca, Roosevelt, Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, George C. Marshall, Dwight D. Eisenhower, George S. Patton Jr., [Read more...]

2024-01-19T11:40:09-05:00September 15, 2023|

Saturday—History Camp Valley Forge 2023

History Camp Valley Forge 2023 Note that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday events are separate tickets. Post-event updatesUpdated June 14: View photos from Friday, Saturday, and SundayDateSaturday, May 20, 2023LocationThe Martha Washington Building, Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge1601 Valley Forge Road, Phoenixville, PA 19460Directions, transportation, and lodging informationRegistrationClosedLodgingArrange your own lodging. We have blocks at two hotels. More information here.Official 2023 t-shirtHistory Camp Valley Forge 2023 t-shirt (left). (Must be ordered when registering.)Doors open8:00 am — Light welcome breakfast (Included with your registration.)Exhibits and vendors open8:00 am — Learn more about exhibiting and selling merchandise at History Camp.History Camp sessions9:00 am – 5:30 pmLunch12:15 pm–1:15 pm — Lunch, soft drinks and coffee/tea (Included with your registration.)Saturday night gathering (optional)Some folks like to get dinner together after History Camp and are considering gathering at Black Powder Tavern at 1164 Valley Forge Rd, Wayne, PA 19087.(Note that individuals [Read more...]

2023-06-14T02:10:01-04:00December 2, 2022|

Attending History Camp FAQs

Attending History Camp—Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) There are three sections below: For everyone, for presenters, and for people who have a table for their organization or to sell books. For Everyone Register for History Camp Boston 2024 here. There are no more spots available for History Camp Boston 2024. (This is the information we had published earlier for presenters.) Sign up for our weekly e-mail newsletter to be notified of when we begin accepting proposals for History Camp Boston 2025. The sessions for History Camp Boston 2024 are listed on the Sessions page. Sign-up for our weekly newsletter to be notified of this and other announcements and upcoming programs. Yes, registration can be given as a gift. When registering you will input the receivers name and email as the attendee. The History Camp America t-shirt is a men’s-sized shirt, made [Read more...]

2024-07-31T01:59:57-04:00December 2, 2022|
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