Lee Wright, J.L. Bell and Scott Nadler

The Pursuit of History: Past, Present, and Future

The Pursuit of History is the non-profit organization behind History Camp, History Camp Author Discussions, and Pursuit of History Weekends. It was formed in 2019 to expand History Camp, which began in 2014 as a one-person effort. In 2020 when the world shut down, the organization created History Camp Author Discussions and America’s Summer Roadtrip. The following year the organization produced the first all-online History Camp, History Camp America. Last year they introduced Pursuit of History Weekends. Lee will share what we’ve learned through these many different efforts and his vision for where the organization is headed, Scott will cover what we have planned for The Pursuit of History: Santa Fe this fall, and John will lay out his plans for Pursuit of History Weekends in 2025 and 2026 that will cover events that happened 250 years ago. We’re eager to share our ideas with you and get your input as we continue to develop these programs.
Lee Wright founded The History List in 2011 to help organizations publicize their events and exhibits and The History List Store with original products for history lovers in 2016 to help pay for The History List platform. In 2014 he started History Camp to bring together people from all walks of life around history and in 2019 he and Carrie Lund founded the non-profit organization The Pursuit of History to expand History Camp. He currently serves as president of the organization.
J.L. Bell (boston1775.blogspot.com) is the proprietor of the Boston 1775 website, providing daily helpings of history, analysis, and unabashed gossip about Revolutionary New England. He is the author of The Road to Concord: How Four Stolen Cannon Ignited the Revolutionary War, a book-length study for the National Park Service about General George Washington in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and numerous articles and book chapters. He helped start History Camp and has spoken at every History Camp Boston. He is on the board of The Pursuit of History and is the Program Director for the series of Pursuit of History Weekends taking place in 2024, 2025, and 2026 and covering the events of 250 years ago.
Scott Nadler (nadlerhistory@gmail.com, http://nadlerstrategy.com/, https://practical-sustainable-strategy.ghost.io) has had a fifty-year career in politics, government, industry, consulting, and academics, working in North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. He has presented at Boston, Denver and National History Camps. He is also a docent in the Walking Tours of Historic Downtown Santa Fe. And he is the Program Director for The Pursuit of History: Santa Fe this October

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2024-08-27T04:24:48-04:00August 27, 2024|History Camp Boston 2024|

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