Kyle Jenks and Judith Kalaora

James and Dolley: Opposites Attract

Kyle Jenks and Judith Kalaora perform scenes from the play, James and Dolley: Opposites Attract, that reveal the tension, uncertainty, and fear during the invasion of Washington by British troops on August 1814. For two days the president and Mrs. Madison searched for each another amidst the chaos and destruction going on in Washington.

They will continue the performance with thoughts and feelings expressed to each other and the audience, recollecting their marriage in a way that only a truly devoted and loving couple could, and then will take questions from the audience.

Kyle Jenks

Kyle Jenks (LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook) is a professional interpreter of James Madison, and is the writer, producer, and director of James and Dolley: Opposites Attract and Drums Along the Mohawk Outdoor Drama by Walter D. Edmonds.

Judith Kalaora

Judith Kalaora is a professional educator, actress, and living historian. She founded History At Play™ in 2010 to provide educational entertainment, chronicling the lives of influential and often forgotten women.

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