Kiersten Marcil

How American Rebels Blocked British Control of the Hudson River: Iron in the Water

Before the echoes of gunfire at Lexington and Concord had faded, American rebels and the Crown were plotting and vying for control of the Hudson River. This crucial passageway was considered key to transporting men, weapons, food, and morale from the Canadian and Northern Departments to the South. We will delve into primary sources describing the construction of the Montgomery Chain in 1777, plus the Great Chain and its home at West Point in 1778. No such exploration would be complete without a glimpse into the people and politics of such a weighty endeavor.

Kiersten Marcil

Kiersten Marcil is the author of a fantastical ride through the hidden deer paths of the American Revolutionary War through her book series, The Enlightened. While pursuing her doctorate, she was a research assistant for a professor exploring James Madison’s contribution to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Today, she is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and the Schenectady Historical Society.

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