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Forbes House Museum

On March 16, 2024 History Camp will host a behind-the-scenes tour of  the Forbes House Museum in Milton. This 1833 Greek Revival-style mansion was home to four generations of the Forbes family until 1962. Family members were successful in the China trade and the collections include art, artifacts, export porcelain and furniture from China, interesting accessories and novelties from the Victorian Era, items from Captain Forbes’s incredible humanitarian mission to Ireland in 1847, and Lincoln and Civil War artifacts and memorabilia collected over 50 years by Mary Bowditch Forbes.

If you would like to join us for lunch (at your own expense) after the tour, please indicate on your registration.

The tour will last for approximately 2 hours.

Note: The main level of the Museum is accessible via a lift from the parking lot. Once inside, a spiral staircase is the only way to access other levels of the building. For visitors unable to use the stairs, a narrated slideshow is offered.

Address: 215 Adams Street, Milton, MA




History Camp and History Camp Monthly Outings are a project of the non-profit organization The Pursuit of History. We hope you’ll join us in the pursuit of history.

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History Camp® events presented by The Pursuit of History®

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