Dr. Sam Forman

Dr. Joseph Warren and the 1764 Boston Smallpox Epidemic

Sam Forman discusses the smallpox epidemic in Boston in 1764 and epidemics during the Revolutionary era. Also, a sneak peek into Dr. Forman’s upcoming book, Ill-Fated Frontier.

[Recorded May 28, 2020.]

Link to Book at Bookstore

History Camp Authors

    America's Summer Roadtrip 2020

      Dr. Samuel A. Forman, MD, MBA, MPH, (illfatedfrontier.com, DrJosephWarren.com, @DrSamForman) is a historian and Harvard University faculty member. He is educated in the history of the American Revolution as well as the practice of medicine. ​Throughout his successful careers as a physician, military officer, and businessman, he has published and lectured on historical topics that inform current issues. Sam is the author of the award-winning biography Dr. Joseph Warren: The Boston Tea Party, Bunker Hill, and the Birth of American Liberty (Pelican, 2012). His latest book is Ill-Fated Frontier: Peril and Possibilities in the Early American West (Lyons Press of Rowman and Littlefield, 2021).

      Dr. Forman is a Founding Board Member of The Pursuit of History and is a regular presenter at History Camp Boston.

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