Andy Volpe

Exploring the Klein Collection of Prints: Morals and Morality

This presentation will take a look at examples of Morals, Aesop’s Fables, Emblem Books, and Biblical illustrations and how they relate to Morals and Virtues within the Klein Collection of Prints at the Museum of Printing, a massive collection of prints dating from 1493 to 1973 comprising examples of graphics, images, and illustrations processes such as woodblock, engraving, and lithography.

Andy Volpe

Andy Volpe ( studies and works in the graphic printing methods of the Old Masters, covering 1450s to 1800, and is perhaps best known for his Paul Revere replica copperplate engraving work with the Printing Office of Edes & Gill Boston, and researching and curating the Klein collection of Prints at the Museum of Printing in Haverhill MA. He also presents on Roman armor and archaeology with the Higgins Armory Collection at Worcester Art Museum and to area schools.

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