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Albert Louis Zambone, DPhil

Historically Thinking

Historically Thinking is a podcast about historical knowledge and how we achieve it. Each conversation explores an aspect of the most fundamental historical questions that there is: “what’s the real story (or stories) here, and how can I know it?” It so happens–and this is no accident–that this is also one of the most essential human questions.

We believe that when people think historically, they are engaging in a disciplined way of thinking about the world and its past. We believe it gives thinkers a knack for recognizing nonsense; and that it cultivates not only intellectual curiosity and rigor, but also intellectual humility. All of these things are not only necessary for understanding history, but for becoming good citizens in a better society.

This session is a partner spotlight.

Albert Zambone

Albert Louis Zambone, DPhil, (zambone.comhistoricallythinking.orgLinkedIn) earned his DPhil in American History from the University of Oxford, an MA in Medieval Studies at the Catholic University of America, and a BA in History from Johns Hopkins University. He has taught in a variety of settings, including a great texts program within the Indiana Correctional system. His scholarships and awards in the field of early American history include a Rockefeller Fellowship from the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.

Born in Philadelphia, Zambone grew up in the small South Jersey village of Greenwich, known for hosting its own revolutionary tea burning in the market square. His principal research interests are centered on the colonial and revolutionary American South.